
Bespoke Luxury Homeware Products by HouzLux

Here at Lawrence Davis, we pride ourselves on hard work and dedication, which can be shown in one of our latest projects, HouzLux!

Maria Dolan, the owner and designer at HouzLux, approached us asking for our expertise and marketing support to include:

  • A new e-Commerce website
  • Postcards
  • Email eFooter
  • MailChimp eShot

On their new website, it was important to make sure that it was engaging to any potential client and easy to use. The website showcases the amazing range of stunning furniture designed by Maria herself.

The home page contains information such as booking a virtual consultation, more about the designer Maria Dolan and even a link to their own blog page.

Going into more detail with HouzLux’s brand new website, we made sure to add specific pages for the new stock, their own exclusive LuxSofas, their range of homeware items, about the company as a whole and a page just for their sale.

Along with a revamped website, we also created some stunning postcards to go along with the orders of those who have purchased the homeware furniture. Postcards contain various images of the wonderful products available at HouzLux along with a message that thanks the buyer:

“Maria and the team at HouzLux would like to thank you for your valued order. We hope that it brings joy to your home.”

We also took it to the next level and designed some eFooters to go at the bottom of the client’s emails which would promote the website along with all their social media channels. On top of this, they were all individually designed to represent each member of the team.

Just like the postcards, the eFooters contained the colours of the brand as well as and they rest nicely at the bottom of the client’s emails.

In regards to the MailChimp eShots, we have created two visually pleasing email campaigns to be sent out, one for June and the second for July. In June our main focus with the email campaign was to promote the brand new website being live and pushing people more towards the LuxSofas range. Whereas in July we were promoting their new 30% offer which they have on selected products within their scent range.

Overall, in our opinion, we are happy with the outcome of the website, postcards. eFooters and email campaigns.

What do you think of the website? And please take advantage of their amazing offer of 30% off!

if you would like to know more about our services such as design, web development, branding, SEO/SMO, marketing and more, then you can check out this handy link!

At Lawrence Davis, we’re always here to help! Get in touch today.

The LD Team x

Contact us to discuss your Digital Marketing Strategy or full-service brand solutions including; Branding, Websites, Exhibitions, Marketing and Print.

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